Temporary Work (International Relations) visa (subclass 403)

This visa can be approved for 3, 6 or up to twelve months.

It is important to show that you have sufficient funds to support yourself while in Australia as well as demonstrate you have genuine intentions to stay temporarily in Australia. Also, you must have health cover as well as not have any debt with the Australian Government You may be required to meet health and character requirements.

Although most applications are lodged form offshore, some candidates can lodge a tourist visa application form onshore if they do not have condition 8503 imposed on their current Australian visa.

Training visa (subclass 407)

To apply for this visa you need to provide sufficient evidence that your relationship is genuine and continuing. You will also need to show that you have genuine intentions of staying with your partner temporarily in Australia.

You will also need to meet health and character criteria.

We specialise in providing sound advice and guidance in the preparation of student visa dependent applications.

Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408)

The Subclass 408 Temporary Activity visa allows people to come to Australia to engage in cultural, social, and exchange programs and to do specific kinds of paid work, including to play or coach sport, engage in religious work, participate in academic programs or exchanges, work in the entertainment industry, work at conferences or conventions, and engage in Australian Government endorsed events.

In many cases you need an Australian organisation to sponsor you for the visa formally, or you need to enlist the support of an exchange program or business or sporting organisation that would then invite you to attend a particular event whether sporting, cultural, or religious.

The Temporary Activity visa is a temporary visa that can be granted for up to 12 months. You can apply for this visa from inside or outside Australia. Family members can be included in the application.